So while I may be posting mostly recipes these days, because that is about all I have been creating lately, I still really, really, really love interior decorating. Most of the blogs I follow are about design in some capacity. These days it is a little hard to dream about homes due to where we live. Most of our stuff is in storage, so buying new stuff seems a little ridiculous. Plus in our small home these is not really room to add in many more accessories either. That doesn't stop a girl from dreaming though does it? Also if you feel compelled to purchase me anything on this list, I promise you I would find room for it in our abode :)
Here are a few inspiration pictures I have come across lately. Can you tell what has been on my mind?
All images from Apartment Therapy
Yup, driftwood has been on my mind. I really love how it adds texture and earthiness to a more modern design aesthetic. The second picture is good inspiration because I am sure it would be a fairly easy diy project, especially if you used a piece of driftwood found on a vacation to the beach. What a great way to remember the trip every time you hang your thick Minnesota winter parka. Here are a few pieces I found for sale and would love in my home:
All images are linked to the online store to purchase. Happy window shopping!
Hmm...these are good ideas for Christmas presents for you!