(Source: Decorpad)
(Source: Palmer Weiss)
(Source: Decorpad)
The last image is the work of Jonathan Adler and the cover of his book Happy Chic Color. He is pretty much amazing and his book is no exception. So where can you pick up a chair like these you may ask? Well Jonathan Adler also sells them for your convenience.

The price might not be so convenient for most of us however.
Lots of design bloggers out there have had luck locating vintage versions of the chair from Ebay, estate sales, antique stores, and my personal favorite, Craigslist. Look at what I found on my local search:

(Source: Craigslist)
A set of five of these pretty chairs for just over what one from Mr. Adler would put you back. Yay! You can also find even better bargains for single chairs. Now I am off to dream up a space for these chairs.